Minggu, 06 Desember 2009

I am sorry

Mav y, br nulis lagi nih, maklum sibuk (padahal g da duit wat ngenet) hehe… setelah acara pelayaran IPTEK waktu itu, kehidupan kuliah w mulai membosankan lagi, gini-gini aja, padahal orang bilang kl “life is never flat” but my life is flat, kl malem datang, hmmmhhh…. Udeh , brasa dipenjara aja nih w, tp kmaren wktu idul adha w g di SBY, w pulang, meskipun kgk balik ke tangerang soalnya nanggung, cm 4 hari, capek di jalan yang ada, ngeluarin banyak ongkos pula, jd w ke ponorogo, tempat kelahiran w, hehehehe… lumayan wat memperbaiki gizi, disana, makan soto, sate ayam yang g da 2nya… sedep dah pokoknya, lw harus coba jeh… dan sekarang udah tanggal 7 aja, brasa lama bgt dah wat pulang, katanya sblum januari uda bias pulang, o y, mav yah yg udah sms tw nelpon ke hp w, secara brutal n menyesakkan hati w, hp w mati, hancur, gbs dipake lg, jdiiiii (nada melas) makin kosong aja kehidupan w, mana g punya pendmping hidup, hiks… tak ada yang merawat w disini, mw cari anak SBY, yang deket kosan, hahahaha… biar ngirit tp tetep bisa diperhatiin juga… bokap br nelpon, mengabari kl udah nransfer duit wat beli hp baru, tp cm 750rb, hp apaan yak??? dan w dah beli, hp smart sm benerin hp w yg lama, makanya skrng w bs update blog tiap hari.... keep reading my blog yg goblog yup... thx...

Selasa, 24 November 2009

3 days on the KRI DR.SOEHARSO

well, how do you do all??? alhamdulillah nih, can write here again. I will tell about my experience during three-day sail. our first day, faculty FTK, leaving from faculty after praying (jum’atan), late though. we reach station TNI-AL 3 o’clock evening. we direct to even also take a ride the battleship to sail, first its name is KRI DALPELE, but in the year 2007 the KRI have the change name to become KRI DR.SOEHARSO, and become hospital ship, you need to know that this hospital ship become the single in ASIA SOUTH-EAST. and in ASIA, besides INDONESIA, only CHINA owning it. we are broken to become 20 group, each group amount to 15 people, and I become the part of group one which is led by TITO(HHHHUUUUEEEKKK). that evening event a lot of finished take a photo, hope enunciated because a lot have never taken a ride big battleship like. and do not be felt by time memunjukkan clock 6, we rush about for ISHOMA, and that night event is continued with recognition of crew man of opening and from dekanad and sleep (hehehehe).

second day ,at 5 evening clock we have ready for morning athletics led by crew man. Feel the air which mixed by sound of ocean wave very make calm soul ( bbeeeeeeuuuhhh). afterwards we take a bath and the breakfast. clock 8 we gather again, and this is main event, that is evaluate ship, from the top of till downwards. and this really please. start from bridge, place sleep president, recreation space, part of machine and still a lot of again. do not be felt [by] a clock have 12 day, our stomach even also jib at, tired body even also, joined by the sleepness. come up with session lunch ( yyyyuuuuuummmmmmyyyyyy).
then we even also rest a moment as great as photograph cheerful, there is interesting event that evening, that is some of we take a ride LCU. and I less be Iucky ( gpp koq). come up with event dine and all seen wild stare at that night dish. forget, we even also see mentioned offshore of day, where offshore is the ocean engineer place work....
at night there is culminate event, like artistic event, and very amuse, curing to feel run down which we have earn mentioned in the day time. and the coincidence there is one of our friend is celebrating her day and she is HANA ( met ulahun y).she even also until termehek-mehek( alah), because dikerjain (gtw inggrisnya). non-stoped.... non-stoped... sleep deh...
third day come home deh, hahahaha... and its[his] hard , at arrival in place board with, I are direct sleep, from 3 o'clock evening until 6 o'clock morning, you are unsure? I also. but all have been happened and that real... thank you =)

Kamis, 19 November 2009


the name antartica was coined to mean "opposite to the arctic". antartica is the coldest area in the world. antartica is 30 degrees colder than the arctic.at the south pole, nearly 10000 feet high, monthly mean temperatures run well below zero and near the north pole monthly mean temperatures often rise above freezing. at the American South Pole Station, winter temperatures sometimes fall below -100 degrees fahrenheit, and the the record of low temperature was measured in august 1960 (-127 degrees). partly because of this climatic difference, the land animals and plants of the two regions are very different. ice is the greet feature of antartica. more than 4.5 million square miles of ice sheet cover the area. antartica is the storehouse of about 85% of the total world supply of ice and the icecap is very thick, averaging nearly 8000 feet and at one spot, scientist have found the distance from the surface to the rock undermeath the ice to be more than 13000 feet. but if the great volume of ice were melt, the volume of the world oceans would increase, and sea level would rise and its completely dangerous for the earth.

Rabu, 11 November 2009

First time... ^.^v

Well... This is my first blog, just for information that i make this blog for english task, b'coz my english task must delivering through blog... (agak ribet), but this is one of effort to increase my write n english ability. As we know not only me but also almost all people in the world... And i'll try to write in english... (hehe.... Gaya), could probably earn additional value from my dosen... (hi maaammm)...
Btw... Today there is futsal tournament in my majors in "oceano" event, where this championship represent annual event of my majors, and this aim to tobe chummy usher generation, as well as bringing suit the prestige more precisely, but my generation is lose, though have fiddled around with very good, i also follow chess competition, although i can beat last year champion, but i cant beat '07 generation, but, its okay, i feel happy that i can be recognized... Hehehe... Well, sorry if my english is bad... C u next time... ^.^v

Senin, 09 November 2009

The green revolution

The green revolution is a step in producing food in the year 1950 to 1980 on a large scale using assorted of grain and done on a large scale by using agriculture machine and chemicals.
but this methods no longer appear to be so successful, because of imbalance between accretion sum up population of human being with accretion sum up food production. and this caused by ability of between farmer which is one and other where farmer which the indigent very grip its his costly is chemicals felt costly enough.

and for landowner residing in area of under feeling that existing water availability less fulfill their farm.
Finally, the green revolution has brought about social and political conflict, where landowner capable to, will be able to develop his agriculture better, while landowner which less, will very difficulty in developing his agriculture.
here the government have to and immediately take action surely in overcoming the problem, without having to harm landowner capable to and also not.

Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009

ways for minimizing birth rate

such as those which we know that birth rate in indonesia represent one other hihgest in the world. this is caused by the lack of our society knowledge in overcoming the problem. a lot of us society which do not think length in conducting an action. this problem generally often we meet at middle society downwards. and this matter make life those who have difficultwill growing difficult again latter.
a lot of function we which can conduct in degrading birth rate in indonesia. among other thimgs is conduct system KB for all family, system KB have been tested and have to be more be improved agaim because a lot of small society is which not yet cared to continuity of their family life later. government also hane to be more a lot of performing seminar hit to the number of birth rate in indonesia and way of degrading it.
become here the governmenttal role in degrading birth rate very fital but we are as societyalso have to follow things sent by government. because any way this matter is conducted to create secure and properous indonesia.